I know, I know. This post should be up like a long time ago. But my comp was down. So yeah. Couldn't. It was my chem paper last Thursday. And was also the LAST DAY OF EXAMS. Woohoo... Haha. URGH this is so irritating because the exclamation mark key is not working. Haha. Well anyways.. I'M FREE. FINALLY.
Every year without fail, on the last day of exams, me, Tara, Kat, Nat and Clarissa would rent some DVDs and we'd watch it at Clarissa's house. And that Thursday was of no exception. Haha.
Firstly, we went to Parkway because Tara had to buy some potted plant for her mum. Then Tara had to rush back to school for a meeting which would last till about 11.30am, which meant that we had quite a lot of time to kill. Clarissa was craving for Mcdonald's Hotcakes. So we waited for a bus to go to Siglap, and only came to realise after about 5 - 10 mins that there was no bus from Parkway to Siglap. How smart were we? Haha. We only had about 15mins left before breakfast time was over. So we took a cab down to Siglap Macs and we reached in time for BREAKFAST. Haha.
I don't know why, but the place was invaded by Chai Chee Secondary's boys. Haha. Ahhhh........ just realised that I haven't stepped in that place for so long. The last time I stepped in there was last year?? Miss that place. Haha.
Anyways.. we decided to go choose the DVDs first without Tara. As usual, we chose horror movies and we knew that Tara didn't really like watching them (but she would still watch it anyway. haha). We picked:
"Hide and Seek"

"The Dark".

We wanted to watch "Saw" but it was M18. Then Nat recommended a love story:

So we rented the 3 DVDs and we went to Cold Storage to get some tidbits.
We didn't really buy "tidbits" actually. Haha. We bought grapes, Campbell soup, apple juice and chips. Sounds more like a feast to me than "tidbits". Haha.
Oh anyway, the movie "The Dark" sucked. The ending was rubbish. Haha. None of us got it.