The best way to start off a new year is...
Haha. My Daddy brought the four of us to the Metro sale at Singapore EXPO today. It was the last day! Phew! Haha. He gave us a budget of 100 bucks EACH! BUT.. I overshot. Heh heh =P
We shopped for 2 whole hours! :
A pair of slippers
These are damn comfy. Serious! Haha.

2 belts


Plus undies, and 2 bras! Haha.
(I don't think you'd want me to put those photos up.)
*or do you??*
There are clothes too. But it's being shared amongst me and my sisters.
So yup! No photos..
After that, I went out with Poh to BUGIS!!
I haven't been there in ages.
It has changed soooooo much.
Poh bought a lot of things and I didn't. =(
He bought me my Christmas present ($89.90) =D

Thanks baby! I love it! =)
Then, we watched Alien vs Predator 2!
The seats were horrible, so was the view and the extremely small screen!
But nonetheless, I enjoyed it.
Because you were there=)